Lectures week 1
Lectures week 2
Evening lectures
Student Session (StuS) 1st week
Lecture room: PA
- Neural Models for Syllogistic Logic (Manuel Vargas Guzmán)
- Knowing disjunctions with the help of logical grounding (Niccolò Rossi)
- Troubling times for PhD research on text categorization? ChatGPT for Automatic Genre Identification (Taja Kuzman)
- A Corpus-Based Analysis of -like and -free with Proper Names (Tijana Šuković)
- Responsibility in (Non-)Probabilistic STIT (David Streit)
- Monotonicity Ground Decidability: A Proof Theoretic View (Daniel Li)
Poster session flash talks:
- Negation in Italian until-clauses: effective or expletive? (Valeria Gradimondo)
- Selectional Restrictions as Ontological Preconditions (Zhengjie Situ)
- Not strictly a woman – QUD-based 4-valued reasoning discharges lexical meaning (Emil Eva Rosina)
- Towards a Definition of Novel Metaphor for Automatic Metaphor Detection (Sebastian Reimann)
- Syntactic Head Movement in Golog Tibetan (Jiahong Wang)
- Implementation of Elements of Dependence Logic (Iga Lewandowska and Jose Seijas Vega)
- Persian morphological causatives and the problems with bundling approach (Shahriar Hormozi)
- Forcing for an optimal A-translation (Rui Li)
Poster session
Student Session (StuS) 2nd week
Lecture room: PA
- Decidability of the Relational Syllogistic with Singular Terms (Hongkai Yin)
- Rule-Elimination Theorem (Sayantan Roy)
- Weak Reciprocity without the Cumulative Operator (Jia Ren)
- Antiphrastic Evidentiality (Eno Agolli) (VIRTUAL)
- Intuitionistic Reasoning on Hybrid Xpath with Data (Danae Dutto)
- Bisimulation Quotient in Inquisitive Modal Logic (Stipe Marić)
- Negation as Tense in Jin Chinese (Zhen Li)
- Boffa's construction and models for NFU (Tin Adlešić)
- Non-deictic uses of Mandarin Complex Demonstratives (Jiaxing Yu) (VIRTUAL)
Each course and workshop spans a whole week (5 days) where not stated otherwise.
The Student Session (StuS) runs in both weeks (5+5 days).
Note that you don't need to sign up for individual courses, workshops or the StuS. Registered ESSLLI attendees can attend all courses, workshops, evening lectures and the StuS.